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Mentor / Coaching Services
Isolated. Alone.
Often, as men, we feel isolated and alone. Issues we thought we had dealt with keep popping up around us. In our homes, our businesses, our ministries. The result being that our performance suffers. Our relationships deteriorate. And our faith is sorely tested. This is especially true for those of us who are looking for the Abundant Life Jesus said he came to give … the "more" God offers through union with himself and others.
The truth is you don’t have to be isolated, and you are not alone. You are God’s beloved son, and he is growing you up. He is simultaneously healing, restoring, renewing, and redeeming.
Your journey is unique. And yet, as unique as your journey is, there is a path to the abundant life you seek.
But you must choose it. You must choose risk. You must choose more. You must choose trust. And you must choose love. For as J.R.R Tolkien said in Lord of the Rings, “It's a dangerous business ... going out your door. You step onto the road, and if you don't keep your feet, there's no knowing where you might be swept off to.”
If you're ready to choose, let’s take this journey together. Godspeed!

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To reschedule a session, please contacts us at least 48 hours in advance.

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North Myrtle Beach, SC 29597

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Invested Stories gratefully supports the following organizations. Their resources, support and guidance have provided the path to healing and restoration that has made Invested Stories possible.

Wild At Heart

The Allender Center

Valorous Church

Gateway Community Church

We encourage you to visit each of these organizations and take advantage of the resources each offers out of their love for God and their calling to share that love with others.

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